Hi, my name is Sofia Ortuzar and I am in 8th grade at Miami Arts Studio in the techonology production magnet strand. Being in this magnet I have learned many things from Adobe Photoshop to 3D design. Even thhough this is not the path I want my career to go, I can involove some aspects I use now in what I want to do later, which is a robotical engineer. They have interested me since a young age, and have always called my attention.
Robotics has always interested
me since a young age. All its components and assests have called my attention and I have been looking to go into engineering and making it a possible career.
I have alwaysenjoyed baking and decorating anything from pastries, to cakes and cupcakes. If my career ends up going in this direction, i will never work a day in my life.
Every since I was 7 I have loved to dance and had a strong passion for it, when I stopped to explore different activitys I always return to dance. Prodesional dancing is a possoble career goal in my future.